The Essential Pregnancy Smoothie…for Brain and Baby


Fueling your body and your brain effectively becomes even more important when you’re supporting the development of a baby. As your baby’s body, organs and brain develop, it’s essential to consider which foods are most beneficial to the process.

With the ever-growing list of things you can’t eat while you’re pregnant, a busy schedule, nausea (for some) and the fact that you’re tired most of the time, it can be even harder to get yourself to not only shop for the right foods, prepare them…and then actually feel like eating all of it.

Mornings can be a tough slog, especially if you had to get up to pee five times, but no matter how groggy you may be, you need to remember that you’ve been fasting overnight, so when you wake up in the morning, your blood sugar is low. If you’re like me, and have a nasty habit of skipping breakfast, break this habit now because your developing baby will not receive the nutrients it needs to grow if you wait until lunch time to fuel up.

Our society makes it easier and easier to opt for that bagel, croissant or pastry to start your day but please do resist the temptation, if not totally then at least until after you’ve provided that precious baby of  yours with the nutrients he or she really need for optimal growth and brain function.

A morning smoothie packed with the right ingredients is a quick and easy way to ensure that you and your baby get what you need for the day, no matter where your day takes you.

This is my go-to smoothie, especially now that I’m pregnant. Not only is it delicious, it’s also filling, energizing, puts me in a great mood, and provides me with peace, knowing that I’ve provided our growing baby with an amazing start to its incredibly productive day.


You will need:

  • 1 Banana
  • 2 Cups Chopped Kale (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 Cup Cubed Pineapple
  • 1 Mango (optional)
  • 1 Tablespoon Organic Coconut Oil
  • 1 Tablespoon Omega Oil
  • 2 Tablespoons Ground Flaxseed
  • 1 Tablespoon Chia Seeds
  • Water/Coconut Water or Milk/Sugar Free Organic Juice (as needed to blend)


You can stop reading here and just start blending…or read on to discover why each of these ingredients are essential to you and your growing baby.


Bananas get a bad rap these days because they contain a medium glycemic load, which means they have quite a bit of sugar in them, but for only 100 calories they pack over 400mg of potassium. Potassium helps to maintain cell integrity and a healthy heartbeat. A drop in potassium levels can make you feel weak and tired, and can also cause muscle cramps.

Bananas also pack a healthy dose of fibre as well as “good bacteria” in the form of fructoogliosaccharides that keep your gut healthy and your bowels moving.

BONUS: Dr. Dharma Singh Kalso, author of Food is Medicine says “a woman who wants to remain youthful for life, should eat one banana every day.”


Fresh or frozen (I always have a bag of frozen kale tucked in the freezer)

Not only is kale the highest ranked antioxidizing vegetable out there (second is spinach) but it’s also loaded with calcium, iron, vitamin A and C, bone-building vitamin K, and a ton of fibre.

*Several of the ingredients in this list contain fibre, something we all need but pregnant women need even more of, to prevent constipation and help those shifting digestive tracts moving along.


Pineapples contain bromelain, a rich source of enzymes that has many health benefits including aiding in digestion, speeding wound healing, reducing inflammation and thickening the uterine lining to help egg implantation. 

One cup of fresh cubed pineapple also contains almost 100% of your daily dose of manganese, a mineral you need for healthy skin, cartilage formation, and glucose tolerance.


If you don’t have access to ripe mangoes you can omit them from the smoothie, I just try to get them in here not only because they’re absolutely delicious but they also have a lot of potassium, Vitamin A,C, & K, beta-carotene, calcium and 3.5 grams of fibre.


Not only does coconut oil give you beautiful skin and hair, but according to Dr. Lana Asprey, “Two of the most important times for a woman to consume coconut oil are when she’s pregnant and when she’s lactating, because coconut oil raises the levels of important fatty acids present in the mother’s milk to their highest levels, serving as perfect food for growth and as initial immune protection for her baby.”

Coconut oil is also a great source of energy to help you stay alert throughout the day and boosts fat metabolism to promote weight control. It also kills more than 25 viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms… and tastes amazing with the pineapple!



Omega fats, especially Omega-3’s are nutritionally essential because the body needs them to function yet cannot produce them. Healthy fats are a major component of the human body and it’s very important for a pregnant woman to eat them daily because your baby needs them badly, especially for brain growth. Omega’s also soothe the body by reducing inflammation, improving circulation, optimizing blood pressure and healing scar tissue. These healthy fats also support better hormone function and increase fertility.

Krill Oil is also a fantastic way to get your Omega-3’s if you’re being mindful of your salmon intake, I just don’t always recommend it for smoothies because it can leave a fishy aftertaste.


Flaxseed provides 800 times more cancer-fighting lignans than other foods, which protect against breast and prostate cancer. Also a rich source of alpha linoleic acid and omega-3, providing fibre and 3 grams of protein.

Buy them whole and grind them yourself…a coffee grinder is perfect for this.

Whole-Flax Ground-Flax



Chia seeds are a great source of healthy omega-3 fats and fiber. They also contain Tryptophan, an amino acid that helps regulate appetite, sleep and improves mood. Chia seeds also make a great source of protein and don’t have any cholesterol. They also contain Manganese as well as Phosphorus that help you maintain healthy bones and teeth while supporting cell and tissue growth & repair.

I threw in a few strawberries because they’re in season right now and I just can’t get enough! Feel free to add fresh peaches, blueberries, cantaloupe, yogurt…and anything else you have on hand that makes you smile! The keys are the fibre, protein, vitamins and essential fats from the coconut oil and omega-3’s.


I hope you love this smoothie as much as I do…your brain, your tummy and your baby will thank you for it!



Stephanie Angelone Harding is the founder of MindSavvy, a stress-busting, health-improving, productivity-enhancing training program for organizations and individuals, that wish to transform their lives…in as little as ONE hour.
